Friday 31 August 2007

Thursday 30 August 2007


Paignton Zoo

I took loads of photos while I was at the zoo and I'm going to start posting them here, it might take me a few days to post them all.

Friday 17 August 2007


Thought I'd share this fun pic I took about four months ago at a sci-fi convention, you can probably all guess that it is R2-D2 from Star Wars, but it is completely made out of Lego and I thought it was pretty impresive.

Saturday 4 August 2007


These photos are of flowers that are in my mum's garden which I thought were really nice, there are a few more but I'll save those for another day.

Friday 3 August 2007

My Hometown

This has to be one of the most recognizable sights in my hometown of Plymouth, the lighthouse (Smetton's Tower). This picture isn't really as good as I would have liked cos it was a rather cloudy day when I went up there and took this photo, but I still like it.

Thursday 2 August 2007


I like this photo a I took a couple of months ago cos hedgehogs are my favourite animals and this one looks so cute!

Wednesday 1 August 2007

New Blog

Welcome to my new blog, I have one already which is more about me and my interests (you can check it out at but this one I want to be more about things I've created like my photography and my papercrafting, so that I can share them with people.
Here is one of my favourites that I took last summer whilst on Dartmoor.